Coca-Cola is already in discussions with Canadian marijuana maker Aurora Cannabis to develop the beverages.

Carbonated soft drink manufacturing company Coca-Cola is bearing in mind evolving a range of drinks infused with cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive component in marijuana plants which dismisses pain.
According to a report from Bloomberg, the company is already in discussions with Canadian marijuana maker Aurora Cannabis to develop the beverages.
It further states, the company is monitoring the emerging industry and is interested in CBD (the non-psychoactive component in marijuana) for beverages as soda consumption decelerates.
The discussions reportedly arise as Canada makes its preparations to legalise cannabis from 17th of October onwards.
The cannabis industry has been inhibited by regulatory restrictions for most of recent history, but the legal market has emerged rapidly as more governments legalize medical and adult use.
Uruguay became the First Country to legalize recreational marijuana through legislation in December, 2013.
Canada is set to become the first country to legalize private sales of recreational marijuana with Bill C-45 in 2018.