The Politburo of JanaSena has taken up the debate on the economic slowdown prevailed in the country and discussed about the steps to be taken to come out of the crisis.
It opined that more opportunities should be created for Ease of Doing Business to do trade in an easy manner.
- It suggested that a system where the traders from small roadside trades to huge industries should get licenses in an easy manner.
- Single window system for approvals.
- Financial assistance (Capital support).
The meeting observed that the new Economy should be evolved based on the three principles for which it decided to hold seminars and symposiums continuously inviting economists, professors, business people who are successfully running businesses, experts and enthusiastic entrepreneurs from Telugu States and other regions in the country and make them as partners.
The meeting observed that when the Indians who were creating assets in the foreign soil, why cannot they do it in the country.
The meeting concluded that more stress should be laid on the programme.