During coordinated actions in nine EU countries, the judicial and police authorities dealt a blow to a criminal organisation involved in large-scale VAT fraud with the sale of luxury cars.
The authorities in this regard interviewed 26 persons and searched 33 premises in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania, the EUROJUST stated on 14th January.
In addition, over EUR 100 000, as well as luxury cars and products, were seized.
The suspects allegedly set up a VAT carousel for the purchase of luxury cars, buying vehicles on behalf of shadow companies controlled by French citizens.
During these purchases, no VAT was paid.
The cars were immediately sold in France using false VAT declarations at a much lower price, thereby defrAuding the French tax authority.
The estimated amount of lost tax revenue is over 12 million euros, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation stated.
The presumed conspirators are suspected of VAT fraud, swindling, forgery of documents, Money Laundering, criminal activities affecting the financial interests of the EU and participation in an organised criminal group.
As a result of disclosures from the Public Finances Directorate General (DGFiP), proceedings were conducted by the French National Financial Prosecutor (Paris) and the Investigative Judge of Lyon.
The investigations were led by the Judicial Financial Investigation Service (SEJF).