Home Europe The road to the Copernicus EU Climate Change Services (C3S) so far,...

The road to the Copernicus EU Climate Change Services (C3S) so far, from the Cle…

The road to the Copernicus EU Climate Change Services (C3S) so far, from the Clean Air Acts (UK, 1956 – USA, 1970), passing through the creation of ECMWF (1975) and the Protocols of Montreal (1987) and Kyoto (1997), to the European Parliament’s resolution to entrust ECMWF to implement the Copernicus services (2014). From Earth observation to end users: watch the video overview.

Source: http://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/news-and-media/press-room/press-resources/video-footage/copernicus-climate-change-service-c3s