Thala Ajith Kumar again confirmed in a latest press release that he has no intentions of joining politics or supporting any political party.

Tamil Superstar Thala Ajith Kumar on Monday (21st of January, 2019) released a press note highlighting the speculations on his political entry and associations.
Ajith again confirmed in the statement that he has no intentions of joining politics or supporting any political party.
Here’s the message Thala Ajith Kumar sent to his followers.
“By now each of you already know that that neither have I individually nor through any of my Movies, given any linkage or association with politics, political party or their leaders. This is so, as I have a clear understanding that acting is my only profession. In fact, a few years back, I had disbanded all my fan clubs for this very reason. This was done so only to ensure that neither me nor my fans nor my fan clubs are coloured politically at any point of time.
Despite this clear decision of mine, there are certain news updates linking me and my fans with some political organisations. Such baseless news during the current time period leading up to elections, would send out wrong signals that I have political aspirations.
In the given circumstances, I would like to clarify that I have no intention or aspiration to join politics directly or indirectly. The only and Best association I have with politics, is to queue up to cast my vote as a citizen of India.
I have at no point of time, compelled my fans to cast their vote for any particular political party nor will I compel them to do so in the times to come. I have entered the movie Industry on a professional footing without any political aspirations and not to confront anyone. I reaffirm tis to my fans time and again. I shall not associate with any organisation, which has political links and wish my fans conduct themselves in this manner. I don not support the practice of online and social media platforms derogating and degrading other actors and critics. Such acts would not be forgiven by the world, which keeps a close watch on us.
I have my own personal likes and dislikes even in politics. However, I have never imposed my political preferences on any one and I expect this from my fans as well. It is best to let an individual’s political preferences remain private. I completely condemn any use of my name or photograph by any political party / organisation / association.
My request to my fans is that students should give their full attention to studies, those in business and service discharge their duties honestly, respect and abide by the laws of the country, take adequate care of their own health, have mutual respect for each other and bring in unity by shunning discord. Such deeds are expressions of your love for me.
“Live and Let Live”
Yours Truly
Ajith Kumar.”
Here’s the official statement released by Ajith Kumar.