The production of clothing, footwear and household textiles for Europeans caused an estimated 654 kg of CO2 equivalent emissions per EU capita, making textiles the 5th largest source of CO2 emissions linked to private consumption, says EEA report.

The European Environment Agency (EEA)’s study revealed that the production of clothing, footwear and household textiles for Europeans caused an estimated 654 kg of CO2 equivalent emissions per EU capita, making textiles the 5th largest source of CO2 emissions linked to private consumption.
The EEA in a study ‘Textiles in Europe’s circular Economy’ presented the latest evidence on environmental and Climate Impacts from the consumption of textile products ranging from clothing and footwear to carpets and furniture in the EU.
The production and handling of clothing, footwear and household textiles that were sold in the EU in 2017 used an estimated 1.3 tonnes of primary raw materials and 104 cubic metres of water per EU person, the study revealed.
For water consumption and the use of primary raw materials, clothing, footwear and household textiles represent the 4th highest consumption category in the EU, after food, housing and transport, the study said.
The same product group causes the second highest pressure on land use (after food), and also a considerable amount of chemical and water pollution, it added.