Home Europe Soyuz VS16 was transferred to the its launch zone at Europe’s Spaceport...

Soyuz VS16 was transferred to the its launch zone at Europe’s Spaceport in Frenc…

Soyuz VS16 was transferred to the its launch zone at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, today, 24 January. Soyuz VS16 will lift off in the early hours of 28 January (02.03 CET). The rocket will carry Hispasat 36W-1 satellite, which will be the first satellite to use the SmallGEO platform. SmallGEO is a multipurpose satellite platform capable of accommodating a wide range of commercial telecommunications payloads and missions, from TV broadcasting to multimedia applications, internet access and mobile or fixed services in a wide range of frequency bands. See http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2017/01/Soyuz_VS16_raised_into_vertical_position6