President Donald J. Trump enjoys to blame everybody under the sun but himself with regard to his administration’s setbacks and challenges.
Right after a botched raid in Yemen, Trump has blamed his generals for a navy SEAL’s death. The travel ban against seven Islamic nations was unsuccessful for the reason that it seemed to be evidently unconstitutional, however Trump blamed the judges and also the judicial department in general, furthermore saying they will be to blame for future terror violence.
And now Trump has said another untruth: Former President Barack Obama has been organizing the popular protests across the country.

In a brand new interview for Fox media, Trump states that President Barack Obama is behind the recent wave of protests against the administration’s actions. There is absolutely no proof of this particular claim nor could there turn out to be.
“You never know what’s exactly happening behind the scenes,” President Trump told Fox. “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it.”
There are significant concerns regarding Trump’s frame of mind to protests.
If he truly believes that President obama is clandestinely having an influence on national politics, Trump may use this perception to discredit all forms of protest against his policies.