On 17th of April, the first satellite of Nepal was successfully launched into space from Virginia in the United States.

On 17th of April, the first satellite of Nepal was successfully launched into space from Virginia in the United States.
The satellite named as NepaliSat-1 and it was developed by the two Nepalese scientists Aabhas Maskey and Heriram Shrestha, both of whom are currently studying at Japanese Kyushu Institute of technology.

NepaliSat-1 is a low orbit research satellite. The development of the satellite costed nearly twenty million Nepalese rupee.
The satellite weights about 1.3 kilograms, making it a small satellite with limited capability
The satellite will take photographs on a regular basis to gather geographical information of the country.
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) initiated the launch of the country’s own satellite under the BIRDS project of the Japanese Kyushu Institute of Technology.
The BIRDS project has been designed in association with the United Nations and aims at helping countries launch their first satellite.