Often people really feel that marketing has something to perform with making products and solutions accessible in outlets, preparing displays and looking after arrays of goods for upcoming item sales.

The term “marketing” is considered to be a wide-ranging concept and signifies several factors to many people. A number of people reckon that this would mean the same as personal selling, while other people believe that marketing is similar to personal selling plus promoting and advertising.
Often people really feel that marketing has something to perform with making products and solutions accessible in outlets, preparing displays and looking after arrays of goods for upcoming item sales.
In fact, marketing involves all of these functions and even more.
Marketing can be perceived from two perspectives and hence have two sides.
First of all, it is a philosophy, a frame of mind, a perception, or a Management-orientation that focuses on customer or client satisfaction.
Secondly, marketing is a collection of activities which are used to put into practice this particular philosophy.
The American Marketing Association’s definition takes into account both perspectives:
“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, marketing communication and distribution of ideas, products, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisational goals.”
All of these refer to certain decision-making areas of marketing management.
Definition, Concept & Justification of Marketing ?
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