Two of the most anticipated Movies are going to release in India this April. Both Films are poles apart from each other, yet have a strong Audience pull, which may affect their Box Office collections
When we speak about Avengers End Game, it has created a great hype, not only in India but throughout the world, especially after Avenger’s Infinity War.
The Audience has widely appreciated the Teaser Trailer, posters, and Songs of Kalank. The star cast of the film is sharp and gives a great vibe of a dominant performance.
Kalank, can have the edge over it, if supported by good story and script as Hollywood is still a metro-based likable choice of people, but Bollywood has a connection throughout India.

Two of the most anticipated movies are going to release in India this April. Both films are poles apart from each other, yet have a strong Audience pull, which may affect their Box Office collections. Both films are also different in nationality. One, a Bollywood genre epic love story saga and other a great fictional world of Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yes, we are talking about Dharma production’s Kalank and Avenger’s End Fame from, Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Talking about which film will have an edge over the other at Box Office in India is a tricky question. When we speak about Avengers End Game, it has created a great hype, not only in India but throughout the world, especially after Avenger’s Infinity War.

If we talk about Avenger’s Infinity War itself, then it became the highest Grossing Hollywood movie in India with a box office collection of 230 Crores. And fans are waiting to see their Avengers heroes to kill their the villain of the Earth Thanos. So anything can happen at Box Office. In fact, according to trade experts, Avengers End Game is undoubtedly going to be the highest grossing film in the world. Thereby in India, 200- 250 Crores seems to be a great chance.
However, unlike last time, where the Marvel film did not get any competition from major Bollywood flick, this time a highly anticipated and a big Budget Bollywood movie is scheduled to release during the same time. Yes, we are talking about Kalank.

The audience has widely appreciated the teaser trailer, posters, and Songs of Kalank. The star cast of the film is sharp and gives a great vibe of a dominant performance. The budget is high as we have been mesmerized with some grand scale sets for songs and shoot sequences. According to Indian trade expert, Kalank has an excellent opportunity to enter into the 300 Crore club.

Thereby, this April is going to be an intense fight between Hollywood and Bollywood in India. However, despite the hype of Avengers End Game, Kalank, can have the edge over it, if supported by good story and script as Hollywood is still a metro-based likable choice of people, but Bollywood has a connection throughout India.