India’s textiles Ministry launched the 1st ever Brand & Logo for Indian Cotton on 2nd World Cotton Day on 7th October, 2020.
According to Ministry’s statement the India’s premium Cotton would be known as ‘Kasturi Cotton’ in the world cotton Trade.
The Kasturi Cotton brand will represent Whiteness, Brightness, Softness, Purity, Luster, Uniqueness and Indianness.
Speaking on this occasion, Smriti Zubin Irani the Union Minister of textiles and Women & Child Development said, this is a much-awaited moment that today the Indian Cotton has been endowed with a Brand & Logo.
This event becomes more important as the 2nd World Cotton Day is being celebrated world over today, the minister said.
The Minister described the importance of Cotton in Indian Economy.
The minister said, “Cotton is one of the principal commercial crops of India and it provides livelihood to about 6.00 million cotton farmers.”
India is the 2nd largest cotton producer and the largest consumer of cotton in the world.
India produces about 6.00 Million tons of cotton every year which is about 23% of the world cotton.
The nation produces about 51% of the total organic cotton production of the world, which demonstrates India’s effort towards sustainability.