Google has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system named LYNA (Lymph Node Assistant) that can spot advanced (metastatic) Breast Cancer with 99% accuracy.

American multinational tech giant Google has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system named LYNA (Lymph Node Assistant) that can spot advanced (metastatic) breast cancer with 99% accuracy.
LYNA not only made it instinctively easier to examine cancer slides, the system also reduced the check-up period in half to a single minute per slide.
The LYNA system further precisely located the spot of cancers which is too small to be noticed by doctors.
In the twenty-first century, AI methods have experienced a resurgence following concurrent advances in computer power, large amounts of data, and theoretical understanding.
Google is the MOST VALUABLE brand in the world as of 2017, but has received significant criticism involving issues such as privacy concerns, antitrust, censorship, and search neutrality.
Google’s mission statement is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”, and its unofficial slogan was “Don’t be evil”.
In October 2015, the motto was replaced in the Alphabet corporate Code of Conduct by the phrase “Do the right thing”, while the original one was retained in the code of conduct of Google.