Home Europe For everyone who asks what are the smallest objects that can be...

For everyone who asks what are the smallest objects that can be seen by astronau…

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For everyone who asks what are the smallest objects that can be seen by astronauts from space, here’s as shot from Thomas Pesquet yesterday of a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. It must be a large one, because normally they are only visible by their wakes. Thomas was also using an 800 mm lens on his camera. He says,”Crazy to think that we could be the closest humans to those sailors as we flew overhead…”

Un navire suit son cap au milieu de nulle part, en plein océan Atlantique… À 400 km d’altitude, on était peut-être les humains les plus proches des marins à bord… !

A boat lost in the middle of the nothingness, in the Atlantic – crazy to think that we could be the closest humans to those sailors as we flew overhead…

In the middle of nothingness