A new study has discovered that despite low adherence, early introduction to allergenic foods such as eggs and peanuts, was found to be effective in preventing the development of food allergies in specific groups of children.

A brand-new study undertaken by King’s College London and St George’s, University of has discovered that despite low adherence, early introduction to allergenic foods such as eggs and peanuts, was found to be effective in preventing the development of food allergies in specific groups of infants.
In a series of research papers published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, researchers discovered that despite low adherence, early introduction to allergenic foods including egg and peanut, was found to be effective in preventing the development of food allergies in specific groups of infants.
As part of the study, researchers studied over 1300 three-month-old infants in England and Wales by dividing them into two groups (Early Introduction Group and Standard Introduction Group), with one (Early Introduction Group) being fed the six sorts of allergenic foods from 3 months of age alongside breastfeeding.
The second group (Standard Introduction Group) was exclusively breastfed for 6 months.
The results of the study are as follows.
About 34.2% of infants in the Standard Introduction Group developed food allergy in comParison to 19.2% of children in the Early Introduction Group.
About 33.3% of infants in the Standard Introduction Group developed a peanut allergy versus the 14.3% in the Early Introduction Group.
Nearly 48.7% developed an egg allergy in the Standard Introduction Group compared to 20.0% in the Early Introduction Group.