Based on interviews with over 160 refugees and 400 frontline workers, the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)’s ‘Integration of young refugees in the EU’ report has recognized serious obstacles in existing migrant integration approaches for young people aged between 16 and 24.
While it identifies some good practices, the agency urges the EU Member States to learn from each other to give the young people an adequate chance in life.
“The EU and its Member States work hard to address migration across Europe, facing serious challenges to integrate the arrivals, particularly young people. But these challenges are not insurmountable,” says FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty.
The agency also highlights good, local policy initiatives from each country. Examples include:
- financial support for individual housing of asylum applicants who are part of the reception system, in Vienna, Austria;
- fast-track integration support to enter the Labour Market in Sweden;
- a Youth Guarantee financial assistance scheme available for young refugees in France;
- a mobile app in seven languages on life in Germany.