The overall level of payment appropriations in the 2020 Budget is set at EUR 153 566,2 million.

The European Council formally approved the budget agreement reached with Parliament on 25 November, Parliament approved the budget on 27th November by 543 votes to 136, with 23 abstentions.
It was then signed into law by European Parliament President David Sassoli.
According to European Parliament’s statement, for 2020 EU budget, MEPs have secured better support to protect the climate, boost research, Infrastructure Investments and help the young.
Parliament has obtained altogether an additional €850 million for its priorities. Over half a billion euros more are ear-marked for climate-related expenditure.
Additionally, €302 million goes for research projects, €133 million for network Infrastructure investments, €50 million for Erasmus+ and €28.3 million for the Youth Employment Initiative.
Overall commitment appropriations for 2020 total €168.7 billion which is 1.5% increase as compared to 2019.
According to the elements for joint conclusions, the overall level of commitment appropriations in the 2020 budget is set at EUR 168 688,1 million, leaving a margin below the MFF ceilings for 2020 of EUR 1 492,3 million.
This corresponds to an overall increase of EUR 400,0 million in comParison with the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2020.
The overall level of payment appropriations in the 2020 budget is set at EUR 153 566,2 million.
This corresponds to an overall decrease of EUR 49,1 million in comparison with the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2020.