A new study has revealed that spending time in the Sun can make the gut microbiome healthier.

A brand-new study revealed that spending time in the Sun can make the gut microbiome healthier.
According to research paper titled “Skin Exposure to Narrow Band Ultraviolet (UVB) Light Modulates the Human Intestinal Microbiome”, the scientists studied people with low Vitamin D to understand how they reacted to Ultraviolet (UV) light.
The researchers said that light therapy might one day be advantageous for people with multiple sclerosis or inflammatory bowel ailment.
In the study researchers investigated whether exposing the skin to Narrow Band Ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) light to increase serum vitamin D levels would also modulate the makeup of the human intestinal microbiota.
They said that the study shows that humans with low 25(OH)D serum levels display overt changes in their intestinal microbiome in response to NB-UVB skin exposure and increases in 25(OH)D levels, suggesting the existence of a novel skin-gut axis that could be used to promote intestinal homeostasis and health.