Around 50.42% of adult users in the U.S. who used WhatsApp Messenger in the last 6 months are not aware that the messenger is owned by Facebook.

According to a latest study led by DuckDuckGo, approximately 50.42% of adult users in the United States who used WhatsApp Messenger in the last six months are not aware that the messenger is owned by Facebook.
The study also discovered that approximately 60% of the users who used Waze, a GPS navigation software app are not aware that it was developed by Google.
An earlier study discovered that about 57% of United States users were uninformed that Facebook-owned photo and video-sharing Social Networking service Instagram.
Facebook has acquired 71 other companies, including WhatsApp and Instagram. The WhatsApp acquisition closed at a whopping $19 billion.
The Instagram acquisition, announced on 9th of April, 2012, appears to have been the first exception to this pattern.
The Facebook has also acquired Oculus VR at a whopping $2 billion.
Facebook further purchased the defunct company ConnectU and made investments in LuckyCal and Wildfire Interactive.