Combining images captured by the Copernicus EU Sentinel-2 mission and US Landsat-8 satellite between October 2015 and the end of 2016, this land-cover classification map shows different crops across Germany. A total of 2.2 TB of data were used to generate the map, which distinguishes between 21 land cover classes and includes 15 specific crop types.
While this early version of the map is still to be improved on, validation over the Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Bayern regions indicate an overall accuracy of 76%, with several crop types such as rapeseed, maize and sugar beet achieving accuracies of over 90%.
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(pic: Copyright contains modified Copernicus Sentinel and Landsat data (2015–16), processed and analysed by Humboldt University Berlin/P. Griffiths (ESA Living Planet Research Fellow). Data preprocessing: NASA and Harmonized Landsat–Sentinel initiative)