Scientists in their study titled “Cardiovascular Effects of Switching From Tobacco Cigarettes to electronic Cigarettes” found that females benefited from switching more than males did in every between-group comParison.

Researchers sought to determine the early vascular impact of switching from Tobacco Cigarettes (TC) to Electronic Cigarettes (EC) in chronic smokers.
The study found after a randomized control trial that people who switched from smoking cigarettes to vaping experienced significant improvement in endothelial function.
Researchers in their study titled “Cardiovascular Effects of Switching From Tobacco Cigarettes to Electronic Cigarettes” found that females benefited from switching more than males did in every between-group comparison.
Within one month of switching from TC to EC, there was a significant improvement in endothelial function and vascular stiffness, study stated.
Females benefited from switching more than males did in every between-group comparison. Those who complied best with EC switch demonstrated the largest improvement.
However, there was no difference in vascular effects between EC with and without nicotine within the study timeframe, said researchers.
Researches also said that longer follow-up is required to determine whether males also benefit to the same level as females do and whether these changes seen are sustained and to assess the impact of nicotine in EC.
There are many different EC devices available in the market, and we tested only 1 device for consistency of effect, they stated.
Future comparative studies among different devices are required, researchers said.
From a vascular health perspective, recommendations of switching from TC to EC could be considered a vascular harms reduction measure, they said.
Further investigation is required on the long-term cardiovascular (CV) and non-CV effects of these devices, researchers added.