Home Business Week Rules For New Investors: Fundamental Vs. Technical Analysis Explained …

Rules For New Investors: Fundamental Vs. Technical Analysis Explained …

Rules For New Investors: Fundamental Vs. technical Analysis Explained …
In financial world, technical analysis is a breakdown methodological approach for anticipating the trend of prices through the observation of historical market data, primarily price and volume.

 Fundamental Analysis (FA) in the Crypto space makes sense because it helps to comprehend the business or project valuation.

 It further helps make decisions based on the performance and strength of the company or project.

 But technical analysis is basically performed through the study of past market data, primarily price and volume.

 Since crypto market has been highly volatile the price can go up and down within minutes.

 Thus, it involves a heavy risk if you play with your money based on technical analysis.

If you want to be a disciplined investor or trader, you should learn acting based on fundamentals.

So, instead of chasing the market you better focus on understanding the whitepaper, team’s profile and accomplishments.