Home Europe ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet’s view of the Red Sea, the east coast...

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet’s view of the Red Sea, the east coast of Egypt, the…

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet’s view of the Red Sea, the east coast of Egypt, the Ras Banas peninsula, Aswan and Lake Nasser (SAudi Arabia in distance, with its coastal islands near Hanak, top left).

“Impressionnant de voir la finesse de la barrière qui nous protège du vide ! Ici, pendant un survol de la mer Rouge et du Nil vers Assouan,” he says.
“Impressive to see the fineness of the atmosphere’s barrier that protects us from the void! Here, during a flight over the Red Sea and the Nile towards Aswan.”

See https://flic.kr/p/QnXQMo