Home Europe Data economy is likely to grow exponentially in the next few…

Data economy is likely to grow exponentially in the next few…

Data economy is likely to grow exponentially in the next few years. Only in the EU it can employ 7.4 million people by 2020. However there are still obstacles and restrictions which hamper the potential. That’s why we are proposing a plan for Europe to make the most of data opportunities. Find details & actions here: http://bit.ly/2jpUhBP

We are checking the impact of data localisation restrictions on businesses and Public sector. Our objective is to have a single space where data are able to flow freely between locations and across borders: http://bit.ly/2jdBFWp

We’re collecting opinions to assess data portability, access, transfer and liability related to data based products & services. You can share your views, contribute to our consultation and help to shape European policy: http://bit.ly/DataConsultEU

#DataEconomy #EUdataP #BigData #OpenData