Home Europe Human Brain Project in Xenius | ARTE

Human Brain Project in Xenius | ARTE

What could we do if we better understood Human Brain? Arte took a look at the Human Brain Project which is one of the EU’s Flagship initiatives. It aims to put in place a cutting-edge, ICT-based scientific Research Infrastructure for brain research, cognitive neuroscience and brain-inspired computing. The overall objectives are to simulate the brain and gather, organise & disseminate data describing the brain and its diseases.

The story if in French.

#H2020 #FETFlagships #supercomputers

Human Brain Project in Xenius | ARTE

Le “Human brain project”, un grand projet de recherche européen, vise à mieux comprendre le cerveau grâce à une vaste simulation et à améliorer les capacités des ordinateurs. Cette méthode permettra-t-elle d’éclairer la science sur le fonctionnement cérébral et la guérison des maladies telles qu’Alz…